We're in the business of connecting people to each other and to Christ. The Bible says, "For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them". That is why we believe it is vital in your walk with God to be among other believers to live and grow together, to find accountability, and to serve in ministry with one another.  At Greggton, we have a variety of ways that you can get connected, but two of our main outlets for adults are Sunday school classes and small groups.

Small Groups

Newer groups to Greggton are our community of small groups. These groups are constantly growing and changing to fit each season of life. From neighborhood groups to young adult groups, we welcome you to get involved! We know this can sometimes be intimidating, so we've got specific times planned throughout the year to allow new guests to get involved with ease. For more information, contact the church offices. We would be glad to help you find a group that is in tune with who YOU are!

Sunday School

Sunday school classes meet at 9 AM on Sunday mornings. We have 3 classes that would love to welcome anyone to learn alongside them. For more information on each of the classes, you can contact the church offices.



The Methodist Women of Greggton GMC are a lively ministry where women come together for spiritual growth, organized missions, and active support of the church and Global Methodist ministry through fundraisers and the like. We have two Methodist Women's groups that meet regularly and work in conjunction with one another.
  • Luncheon Group meets once a month on the third Monday at 11 a.m.
  • Evening Group meets once a month on the third Monday. They enjoy dinner at various restaurants in Longview as they meet at 5:30 p.m.


Senior Adult Ministry at Greggton is designed to provide an outlet for older adults to be actively involved in fellowship with one another. They do this by organizing  short trips together to attend plays, movies, or visit places of interest. We have a regular game day fellowship on the third Wednesday of each month at the church from 2:00 - 4:00 pm.  We are always open to ways of enjoying fun and fellowship together.
Additional ministry opportunities have included such activities as a coat drive for children, collection of school supplies for a local elementary school and Greggton's after school program, reading with elementary school children, participation in prayer groups, visiting  those who are sick and/or shut-in, and activities in support of Newgate Mission and Asbury House in Longview.
This is a faithful and friendly group of people where you will be welcomed and make new friends.


Both the men's and women's prayer groups of Greggton are centered around the incredible power of prayer. They meet weekly in the mornings to join together in prayer for those on our running prayer list. Each group sends thoughtful postcards to individuals to remind them of the love that the church has for them, some of those people they do not even know. These groups are a wonderful ministry that continue to support ministry here & would love to have you join them in that, too!
  • Women's Prayer Group: Wednesday mornings at 9a.m. in the front Conference Room of Community Connections.
  • Men's Prayer Group: Tuesday mornings at 8a.m. at Whataburger on Gilmer Road in Longview.